
The Fair Trade Certification for Business Practices is a solidary, equitable and ethical model, which seeks to provide fair benefits to each of the parties involved in the production process of a product or service.

These criteria have been set by the World Fair Trade Organization.
10 principles govern this certification, which are:

1. Good working conditions. We guarantee that our collaborators work in healthy and safe environments, and implements for their well-being, as well as train them to incorporate principles related to safety and health in their daily work. We offer them all the labour benefits established by law.
2. Development of capacities. We constantly train our employees, so that they can do their work more efficiently.
3. Creation of opportunities for the community. We seek to generate development opportunities for various sectors of the community related to us.
4. Transparency and responsibility. We have implemented and improved our internal and external communication processes to provide clear, complete, and timely information to those who need it.
5. Fair business practices. We verify that there are no abusive practices with suppliers, which they are complied with in their payments. Similarly, we seek to have long-term business relationships with them.
6. Promotion of Good Fair Trade Practices. We believe that it is our responsibility to raise awareness among others inside and outside the organization about Good Fair Trade Practices and their impact on business management, and we take action to achieve this.
7. Payment of the Fair price. We guarantee that prices cover the costs of production, which the labour force receives a fair remuneration and that behind a low price, there is no exploitative labour scheme.
8. No discrimination. We guarantee equal opportunities inside the company: We make no distinction of gender, ethnicity or beliefs.
9. No to child labour. We encourage children to study, play and live with dignity, avoiding any form of child labour or exploitation.
10. Respect for the environment. We seek to protect the environment with low-impact production techniques, promoting the responsible consumption of resources, as well as the reuse, recycling, and reduction of raw materials in business and production management.